FPSAC'13: Paris
The 25th international conference on
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
Paris (France)
June 24 - 28
FPSAC'2012: Nagoya
FPSAC'2014: Chicago
Editor: Vincent Pilaud
Chairs of the program committee
Alain Goupil, Gilles Schaeffer
Chair of the organizing committee
Sylvie Corteel
Invited speakers
Olivier Bernardi: Brandeis University, USA
Mireille Bousquet-Mélou: CNRS Bordeaux, France
Patricia Hersh: NCSU, USA
Bernhard Keller: Paris 7, France
Svante Linusson: KTH, Sweden
Grigori Olshanski: Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Eric Rains: Caltech, USA
Francisco Santos: Cantabria, Spain
Andrea Sportiello: Paris 13, France
Best student paper
Michael Chmutov: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Best paper
Lionel Pournin: LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot
Program Committee
Alain Goupil (chair): UQTR, Canada
Gilles Schaeffer (chair): CNRS Ecole Polytechnique, France
Alin Bostan: INRIA, France
Petter Brändén: KTH, Sweden
Frédéric Chapoton: CNRS Lyon, France
Jan de Gier: Melbourne, Australia
Jim Haglund: U. Penn, USA
Christophe Hohlweg: UQAM, Canada
Luc Lapointe: Talca, Chile
Peter McNamara: Bucknell, USA
Jean-Christophe Novelli: Marne la Vallée, France
Soichi Okada: Nagoya, Japan
Dominique Poulalhon: Paris 7, France
Andrew Rechnitzer: UBC, Canada
Vic Reiner: Minnesota, USA
Mercedes Rosas: Sevila, Spain
Michael Schlosser: Wien, Austria
Piotr Śniady: Wroclaw, Poland
Einar Steingrímsson: Strathclyde, UK
Bridget Tenner: DePaul, USA
Volkmar Welker: Marburg, Germany
Paul Zinn-Justin: CNRS Paris 6, France
Organizing Committee
Sylvie Corteel (chair): CNRS Paris 7, France
Marie Albenque: CNRS Ecole Polytechnique, France
Guillaume Chapuy: CNRS Paris 7, France
Enrica Duchi: Paris 7, France
Alain Goupil: UQTR, Canada
Jeremy Lovejoy: CNRS Paris 7, France
Roberto Mantaci: Paris 7, France
Anne Micheli: Paris 7, France
Marni Mishna: SFU, Canada
Vincent Pilaud: CNRS Ecole Polytechnique, France
Marc Skandera: LeHigh, USA
Supplementary files
Local proceedings