FPSAC'98: Toronto
The 10th international conference on
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
University of Toronto,
Toronto (Canada)
June 15-19
FPSAC'1997: Vienna
FPSAC'1999: Barcelona
Editor: Nantel Bergeron, Ian Goulden and Frank Sottile
Chairs of the program committee
Ian Goulden
Chair of the organizing committee
Nantel Bergeron
Invited speakers
Georgia Benkart: USA
Peter Cameron: England
Patrick Dehornoy: France
Bernard Derrida: France
Persi Diaconis: USA
Chris Godsil: Canada
Ken Ono: USA
Jean-Yves Thibon: France
Bernd Sturmfels: USA
Program Committee
Nantel Bergeron: Canada
Sara Billey: USA
Fransesco Brenti: Italy
Robert Cori: France
Serge Dulucq: France
Kimmo Eriksson: Sweden
Omar Foda: Australia
Sergey Fomin: USA, Russia
Ian Goulden (chair): Waterloo, Canada
Ira Gessel: USA
Curtis Greene: USA
Angele Hamel: New Zeland
Dongsu Kim: Korea
Christian Krattenthaler: Austria
Daniel Krob: France
Marc Noy: Spain
Victor Reiner: USA
Jef Remmel: USA
Chistophe Reutenauer: Canada
Bruno Salvy: France
Frank Sottile: Toronto, Canada
Terry Visentin: Winnipeg, Canada
Michelle Wachs: USA
Hiro-Fumi Yamada: Japan
Günter Ziegler: Germany
Organizing Committee
Nantel Bergeron (chair): Canada
Supplementary files