FPSAC'93: Firenze
The 5th international conference on
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
University of Florence,
Firenze (Italy)
June 21-25
FPSAC'1992: Montréal
FPSAC'1994: Piscataway
Editor: Maylis Delest and Renzo Pinzani
Chairs of the program committee
A. Barlotti, Maylis Delest
Chair of the organizing committee
Renzo Sprugnoli
Invited speakers
François Bergeron: Montréal, Canada
Robert Cori: Bordeaux, France
Michel Fliess: Orsay, France
C. Itzykson: Saclay, France
Andrew Odlyzko: Bell Laboratories, USA
Gian Carlo Rota: Boston, USA
Richard P. Stanley: Boston, USA
Program Committee
Jean-Paul Allouche: Bordeaux, France
Elena Barcucci: Florence, Italy
A. Barlotti (cochair): Florence, Italy
Anders Björner: Stockolm, Sweden
Maylis Delest (cochair): Bordeaux, France
Adriano Garsia: San Diego, USA
Ira Gessel: Brandeis, USA
Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps: Orsay, France
Axel Kerber: Bayreuth, Germany
Daniel Krob: Paris, France
C. Lam: Concordia, USA
Pierre Leroux: Montréal, Canada
S. Mohanty: McMaster, USA
Antonio Restivo: Palermo, Italy
Rodica Simion: Washington, USA
Renzo Sprugnoli: Florence, Italy
Volker Strehl: Erlangen, Germany
Jean-Yves Thibon: Marne-la-Vallée, France
Doron Zeilberger: Philadelphia, USA
Organizing Committee
Renzo Sprugnoli (chair): Florence, Italy
Supplementary files